Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It just seems wrong...

Well,here we are mid-December, and the temperatures are in the double digits (Celsius), and I can unfortunately say that baring some freak snow storm (though not all together unheard of in 'these-them parts') it looks like it will be a 'brown Christmas'.

Although not all together brown... having grown up in the 'true North, strong, and free' I just can't quite wrap my head around this one nagging question that keeps coming into my head-

Do they pick up and move, or just mow around the Christmas lawn ornaments??!!??!!??


Caro said...

Hiya Karmy!! Don't worry - we have enough snow to share with you... just think of this: the city has 'lovingly' plowed the streets and thus entrapped my car in a foot high fence of icy snow. You don't have to deal with that now do you!? Brown Christmases can be just as lovely as White ones - it all depends on who you share it with! Miss you bunches.

Karmyn said...

Good to hear from you Carrie! Everyone keeps telling me how lovely a warm Christmas is, but I'm not sold on the idea... you're right about it depending on who you spend it with, though.


ps. You should post some pics of your new house!!!

Caro said...

Will do. Once I get my camera set up I'll post some before and after gems. Betcha can't wait!