Sunday, May 06, 2007

King of the Block

Now, I preface this post with an affirmation that I still don't really like cats. I definetly like dogs, but cats?!? That said, after living in a neighborhood of really old (like from before the civil war to turn of the century "new" houses), large, rambling houses that are (too say the least) not mice-proof (or rat proof for that matter!!), I have learned a new appreciation for the multitude of random stray cats that roam our neighborhood.

And then there is Mufassa. He is the king. Okay, I don't really even know if 'he' is a he. I have never even gotten close enough to pet 'him.' But for some reason he spontaneously inherited the name Mufassa shortly after we moved in and it has stuck (at least for us!). And he IS King of the Block.

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