Thursday, May 10, 2007

Just had to share...

Last night (May 9th) at exactly 22 weeks along I came home from work and we were unwinding by watching a little bit of TV when I felt something strange. It honestly felt like a kick, so I reached down and touched my belly and this time my hand felt it too. I got all hysterical and grabbed Chad's hand as quick as I could and Niblet was just a kicking away (and I was worried I wouldn't know what a baby kick would feel like...). I was so happy and excited to be able to share the first 'real' kicks right away with Chad and we laid there and laughed through a good few minutes of solid kicking... maybe Niblet's not so laid-back after all! Maybe a soccer player instead?!?

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

How wonderful Karm!
By the way, you look great in the pic your hubby has on facebook. It definitely looks like sprouting a Niblet agrees with you. ;)