Monday, November 13, 2006

Lee Surrenders to Grant

It was the beginning of the end of the Civil War, which had for four long years tore apart the young republic. The horible cost in families and the economy, the devastation of beautiful environments, the animosity, the danger.

It was April the 9th 1865, just 5 days before Abraham Lincolm would be assassinated. And it was just 20 minutes from our apartment in Lynchburg.

We saw the fields were the last battles were fought and looked on the graves of the heroes of Confederacy and Union.

We were able to see the restored home in which Lee surrendered to Grant, under terms determined a few days earlier in a council of war at the newly captured St. Petersburg, with President Lincoln and the Union Generals wanting to create a reconciliation after the war.

As I looked at the actual table upon which Lee signed, I thought about the tradgedy of the affair, in which both sides had justifiable causes, the Confederacy seeking freedom from federal tyrrany, the Union becoming the champions of freedom.... Yes, I was deep in thought when suddenly Karmyn leapt unto the table and started dancing with the General Lee brand hooch in hand.

We are now raising money for bail and paypal donations will be accepted, if you can find it in your heart to help this poor girl, who never know that dancing on a historical monument was illegal (I mean who would?)

She felt really bad, and looked so contrite, that we were able to secure her release.... by means of a local barrister D. Richards whose luxiourious offices assured us of his profundity with the law and ensured our success in achieveing her release.

I had to plead and plead with him to give up his fanciful surroundings and come down to the courthouse. But he finally agreed

We were absolutely delighted and took Mr. Richards for a ride in our new ride, an official Civil War era driving machine!

The General Lee certified authentic cavalry scout vehicle.... Oscar Myer Special.

All and all a good day.


Unknown said...

Impressive Adventure!

We'll see y'all soon I reckon...

The Armchair Geek said...

Why did you put a picture of your car up? That's not a historical monument!

The Armchair Theologian said...

HA! Karm dancing on historical monuments AGAIN? Sheesh. You've gotta do something about that hooch-guzzling, clog dancing wife of yours.

I thought her musical act in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was bad, or the whole pole dancing escapade in Saint Peter's Basilica (Did Benidict give a pardon for that one? I mean lederhosen was one thing, but that chorus line of drunk nuns will go down in history with the Hindenburg!).

Now she's strutting her funky stuff on General Lee's table, screaming something about Tibet and the liberaton of hamsters.

Oh man. I guess I'll have to put that one on a prayer lists down hee (with NO context given):

- Please pray for my friend Chad, a Seminary student who's wife is given to fits of alcohol induced table dancing.

Then again, if you join an emergent church, you could just call it a "ministry" and all of a sudden, everything is all right again!


Karm can have a "Daniels Dancing" outreach! ("Like the Daniel from the Bible? Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego?" "No...not really...") HOORAY!

The Armchair Theologian said...

Oh man! I'm laughing so hard at my using of "Karm" and "hooch guzzling" in the same sentence!



The Armchair Theologian said...



Unknown said...

what can i say??

Dusto said...

Good bad I had to read the comments and found that 4...yes FOUR of the six were dinglenutz himself!The guy has a comment fedish I swear.

Anyway, I would have left her in jail myself, at least for the night.Speaking of I bet there would be a few mice in a civil war era jail hey, better find the peanut butted, LOL!!

Good to hsee your blog!

The Armchair Geek said...

Nice to see you proofreading your post.

What's a comment "fedish"?

Why should she find the "peanut butted"? Was it typical to place peanuts on people's butts in the civil war?

What the heck are you talking about?

What does "Good to hsee" mean?

At least my comments are in English.

The Armchair Theologian said...

Hey Geek! Be nice! No need to make fun of Dusto!